CADUS needs your support
Your donation makes it possible for us to use our resources and skills where they are most urgently needed.
CADUS helps in crises and disasters – even where other organizations have withdrawn. In accordance with humanitarian principles, we provide medical and technical support in line with needs.
And we love to share: We provide training and learn together with our local partners how to make humanitarian aid more sustainable. In other words, we are trying to make ourselves superfluous. But until then, our work is dependent on your donation.
With regular donations, we can react quickly and flexibly to emergencies and plan our aid for the long term. Even 5 euros a month is an important contribution.
For a direct bank transfer you can also use
our donation account:
Volksbank Berlin
IBAN DE55 1009 0000 2533 5240 04
If you donate more than €300 and need a certificate, it is best to write your name and address directly in the purpose field.
Do you have questions about donations and how they are handled? Then write to us at: donations[at]
We usually issue donation receipts at the beginning of the year for the previous year.
If you need your donation receipt earlier, please send us a message with your full address to the e-mail address above.
Thank you very much!
Note for the donation receipt
CADUS e.V. is recognized by the tax office as a non-profit organization and is exempt from corporate income tax. Therefore, you can deduct donations to us from your taxes. Simply attach the donation receipt we issue to your tax return.
For donations of € 300.00 or more, donation receipts will be sent retroactively until February of the new calendar year. For this we need your complete address.
As proof for donations up to 300,00 € the deposit slip of the bank transfer is generally accepted by the tax office. You can attach our simplified proof of sponsorship (download via the button below). To save our administrative costs, we ask you to refrain from requesting a separate donation receipt in these cases. If you have any further questions about donations and their processing, please feel free to contact us: donations[at]