How we work
CADUS e.V. is a non-profit and independent association registered with the Charlottenburg District Court, founded in summer 2014. The association is officially represented by the three board members: Dr. Matthias Grott, Anna Sauerwein and Astrid Barrera. The Management Board has appointed Sebastian Jünemann and Lysann Kaiser to manage the company.
The organization is headquartered in Berlin/Germany and has a regional branch in Ukraine. In the past, CADUS already had branch offices in Erbil/Iraq and in Hassakeh/Northeast-Syria.
The Articles of Association and the CADUS Code of Conduct form the framework for the activities of the association. In addition, CADUS has signed the Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief and is committed to the internationally recognized Humanitarian Principles. As part of the WHO EMT structure, CADUS is committed to the minimum standards defined there for medical response teams.
The activities of the association are based on full-time employees and volunteers alike. A broad network of diverse trades that combine creativity and critical thinking has made CADUS what it is today: an exceptional humanitarian emergency relief organization that develops innovative solutions and concepts in its makerspace while carrying out humanitarian missions in highly complex crises.

Mobile makerspace construction UKR 2022R 2022
CADUS organization chart

Four areas of CADUS’ commitment
Emergency response
CADUS provides medical and technical support in crises, conflicts and disasters. Our support is needs-oriented, our deployment concepts are mobile and modular. Previous, current and future areas of operation include migration and refugee routes, camps, sea rescue, active conflict zones, pandemics and natural disasters.
We uphold humanitarian principles. If we observe violations of these principles or the denial of basic human rights, we work to make this transparent. Wherever possible, we support those affected and confront those responsible.
CADUS develops effective concepts for overcoming new humanitarian challenges. The base for this is our Crisis Response Makerspace in Berlin. We work together with research institutions, developers and other organizations in Germany and internationally.
We love interdisciplinary work and combine our operational experience with science and craftsmanship. Our own developments are documented and published. We use and support open source tools and are keen to share our knowledge and skills.
CADUS works with local partners wherever possible. We rely on the integration of regional resources, capacities and existing knowledge, and strive to strengthen local structures. Wherever possible, the recipients of our humanitarian work are involved in all phases of project design and implementation.
We are a reliable partner for agreements and plan sustainable exit strategies. We contribute to local capacity building through on-site training and the provision of teaching materials and resources. We also build up resources and share them with other organizations: Equipment, storage and transportation capacities, knowledge and skills.
We research and carry out targeted public relations work. We organize lectures, workshops, discussion events and contribute to scientific publications.
As part of our critical approach, we examine the humanitarian sector and our own role, thereby addressing the political and social impact of humanitarian aid. When planning and implementing projects, we take the respective context into account.