
Infection prevention in Iraq

Target country/region: Irak

Period: März 2021 bis April 2022

We are working together with Viyan, an Iraqi NGO, providing infection prevention trainings in the Ibn Sina Teaching Hospital in Mosul.
The main objective is to prevent infections which often occur in hospital settings, such as pneumonia or multi-resistant germs.

A workshop about hand hygiene held in the hospital.

The trainings cover a wide range of subjects, from hand hygiene training and workshops on preventing infections in the operation theater to lectures on preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Topics such as injection safety and antimicrobial resistances are also covered.

By mid-August, 31 workshops have been conducted of which 421 medical persons participated. The project is to continue until the end of March 2022 to conduct 60 more workshops.

The project is financed by the German Society for International Cooperation.


The Ibn Sina teaching hospital in Mosul (left) and health care workers at a workshop (right). (Images: Viyan)

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