Emergency Response in Ukraine

Target country/region: Ukraine

Period: since February 2022

Short description: Our teams assist in reconstruction, with rescue vehicles, materials and training, and in providing medical care to the population.

Detailed description

We have been in Ukraine with medical teams since March 2022 and have since carried out hundreds of patient transports, so-called MedEvacs (medical evacuations). At the beginning of the war, patients were often transported to safe hospitals outside the country, but now mainly from the endangered east of the country to the safer west. In the meantime, we have three ambulances in operation for this purpose. In addition to our own transports, at the beginning we took over the coordination of the international organizations involved in the MedEvacs.

Starting in Lviv, our operational focus shifted more and more towards the east as the war progressed, so that we are now organizing on the ground from Dnipro. Our teams provide medical and safety training for aid workers from other organizations and the local population to prepare them for their missions.

With a mobile workshop, the Mobile Makerspace, we were able to contribute to the reconstruction of residential buildings for refugees, a school and a center for civil defense.

When we converted a bus into an intensive care unit (mobile intensive care unit – MICU), we used our experiences from the mission and combined our Mobile Makerspace with our medical mission. With a lot of support from our Ukrainian partner Metalab during the conversion of the bus, we were able to increase the transport capacities, especially for patients requiring artificial respiration, which are otherwise hardly available in Ukraine.

Together with 22 ambulances organized and partially equipped by us, we will also hand over the MICU to local rescue services and train the staff on it.

We were able to hand over to our partner organization BASE UA a self-built mobile doctor´s office for use in the rural areas of eastern Ukraine.

We are in close contact with our Ukrainian partner organizations and state institutions in order to be able to support the people in Ukraine in the future as well.

Many thanks to all donors and helpers!

By CadusPR

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