• We have been fairly quiet since the “Mobile Hospital” left for northern Iraq even though a lot has happened. But the most important news is that we have successfully arrived.

    Published On: July 31st, 2017
  • “It’s going to take a long time, it’s going to be hard and all Trauma Stabilization Points (TSPs) will reach their limits. So as the fourth TSP we arrived just in time and are in a good position regarding staff and material” Kris sums up, who is in Mosul for CADUS at the moment.

    Published On: July 31st, 2017
  • Our CEO Sebastian with a little report about his experiences in Mosul: “Another night shift is over for the CADUS team in our Mosul TSP. After the breaking of the fast, when it's getting dark and temperature is falling a little bit, gunfights are starting again. It's almost certain that there will be another high …

    Published On: July 31st, 2017
  • How the injured come to us? What is an CCP? And how we are protected in the place? Seb with another article from our Trauma Stabilization Point in Mosul.

    Published On: July 31st, 2017
  • "The last days were incredibly exhausting for the whole team. The influx of patients continues unabated. I'm almost surprised about this, 'cause the number of patients is much higher than another TSP has told us in advance. Daily, far more than 30 seriously injured people, civilians and combatants arrive here. Often …

    Published On: July 31st, 2017
  • As things progress in Mosul we’ve had to replace most of our team in the area. Our three new arrivals couldn't have a more challenging start. Shortly after their arrival the IS began attacking liberated parts of Mosul. Our team continued their work despite the barrage of recent destruction and bloodshed, earning our …

    Published On: July 31st, 2017
  • Miri war drei Wochen für uns als Technikerin im Einsatz. Sie berichtet mit ihrem ganz persönlichen Blick auf die Situation und ihren Alltag im TSP, zwischen Verwundeten, den Schatten des Kriegs und der Notwendigkeit humanitärer Hilfe - auch über die eigenen Belastungsgrenzen hinweg. Der Einsatz hat sie mit vielen …

    Published On: July 6th, 2017