
Emergency Response Balkan ended

Our mission in Sarajevo Bosnia ended after four months. We helped hundreds of people and with your support, we were able to perform over 2600 treatments.

Dear supporters,

almost four months after our arrival, our team in Sarajevo is about to leave.
We can look back on four eventful and interesting months. Beautiful and difficult situations have shaken hands and the feeling that we could make a difference for the people who need help.

The Cadus-team right before departure. ©CADUS

But it is also worrying that we will leave Bosnia. It is still not the case that medical care works smoothly for everyone. So we are very glad that an organization has been found, which will continue our work here with the support of local nurses. Thus it can be ensured that after us no large hole in the supply arises.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support! Without your help, we would never have been able to carry out this project.

Kind regards,
your CADUS team

Author: by Jonas Grünwald

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