Deaths in attack on humanitarian aid workers in Gaza

We are deeply shocked by the death of seven employees of the aid organization World Central Kitchen. They were killed today in an airstrike on their convoy by the Israeli army.

We are saddened by the loss of seven people who were torn from their lives in the performance of their humanitarian duties and in the exercise of human solidarity.

We are furious that humanitarian aid workers are repeatedly the victims of attacks despite all their efforts and, as in this case, have to pay for their commitment with their lives.

We are shocked by the incomprehensible harshness with which the fighting in the Gaza Strip is being waged, the disregard for humanitarian law and the recklessness with which civilian casualties are being accepted.

The fighting must stop NOW, humanitarian aid must be made possible and the hostages must be released! Our thoughts are with the dead WCK employees and their families and the victims of the war in Gaza.

By Jonas Gruenwald

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